Sunday, July 27, 2014

Laurelea, 3 yrs, 5 mos

Seems like an appropriate time to post an update, since that little brother's coming right at Laurelea's 3 1/2 year mark.

The world is your oyster (quite literally sometimes):
And, your little brain must be working on overdrive. You understand so very much about the world around you and constantly amaze us with the questions you ask. 

You love to run all around everywhere. The favorite track remains from the living room rug, through the dining room, around the island, and back. Sometimes, you ask dad (and previously mom) to run with you. That means you go first and always win. You have learned how to 'pump' on the swings, a very special development that you are most proud of. Your proud face looks something like this:

Your natural reaction is to smile so big, but you simply must play it cool, so we get this cuter-than-cute face a lot. :)

You seem to still nap at daycare, even though you miss your Miss Sulma something fierce these days. Miss Anja, we are hoping she comes around on ya (and also the phantom Miss Gloria [with r rolled properly, by the way])! Napping at home is a different story, though you do seem to tire out and crash some days (like today). Grammy apparently had the magic nap touch with you for about half her stay, so maybe we are still channeling that.

You are a solidly put together little lady and probably weigh upwards of 35lbs. (Promise we'll stop with the weight updates at some point before you're 13). And, you're somewhere north of 36" tall. Six Flags Looney Toons Land, anyone???

You love the pool but hate to go under. We are learning to trust ourselves in the water, and get better each time. Too bad we didn't put up the pool-pool this year . . . you probably could've used some extra dunks! Swimming lessons ended two lessons in, not dissimilar from your last ice skating class. We are going to give you a break on classes for the time being.

This summer has meant growing out of one Longhorn swimsuit and into another, and we are so excited to continue to see you grow up. Lately, you have been very sensitive to any correcting (much less criticism) so we are working on ways to communicate our needs differently. Your dad was the same way as a kid (just wanting to do things right without having to be told).

We love you so much Laurelea. Can't say enough about how amazing it is to watch you grow and to grow with you. You are going to be a wonderful big sister!

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