Thursday, September 12, 2013

Top 5

Top 5 things you love right now: 

1. Your night time routine-  We generally read 3-4 books, then we do "rock a twink" where we rock and sing "twinkle, twinkle". Then we scoochy, scooch to your bed do another round of "lay town twinks". We then hugga, hugga 10 times (hugs and kisses) and then I leave. Your Dad then sings "The Eyes of Texas" (Eyes) and you guys have lengthy conversations and ask lots of questions. You usually will keep him around, by saying "I've got one more question", or ask for another hug. 

2. Babies- You love to change, play and dress your babies. You are really grasping the concept of pretend play. The favorite name of all your babies right now is Hannah, after your dear friend Jeffy's sister (who you are holding above). 

3. "I can do it"- is the most frequent phrase we hear right now. You tell us at least 20 times a day that you can do it. You can wash your hands, brush your teeth, go to the potty all by yourself, open the door, close the door, take on and off your clothes, put on your panties, etc, etc. ....

4. Trains and Fire Engines- Most of our daily car conversation revolves around either or both of these topics. Your absolute favorite place is the Choo, Choo market, which is the little local Farmer's Market that we visit on Thursdays. 

5. Farmhouse- You love the farmhouse, the geese and the river and well just being out there and running around. You like to talk about your river, mountain and floating the river with Mom and Dad. 

There is much more that you love and talk about all the time. You do the daily run down of who you played with at daycare, talk about your family, but I had to get down some of your absolute favorites before we forget and the focus shifts.

Love you Laurelea! 

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