Tuesday, September 3, 2013


So this post might be a month overdue, but here is the Laurelea update!

 L you have turned into your own little person over the last 6 months. You are fiercely independent and can do everything by yourself. One day you told me when I was driving to pull over so that you could drive. We've been having a lot of conversations about when you can drive and although at two and a half you can be convincing this is one of those things that we just can't concede to.

You have done so well with potty training. We started a few months ago and have gone through a slow transition. You are now fully potty trained and have very few accidents. You will even go into the potty without prompting, and will wash and dry without assistance. You really like the washing part, so we have to sometimes come in and monitor to make certain your bathroom is not flooding.

Within the last 6 months we purchased a vacation property. You have done so well with this transition. You love your time out at the farmhouse and talk about your geese and river all the time. It's hard now to imagine us not having it in our lives as I think as a family we have grown so much closer. We spend 50% of our weekends out at the farmhouse and our favorite family past time this Summer has been floating the river.

You can be a tad stubborn and want things to go your way at all times. Sometimes you can be redirected, but more often than not you get upset and pitch a fit. We still do a fair number of time outs as your outbursts generally involve your fist and some part of our bodies. We are learning more how to control that and trying to teach you to channel your anger and stomp your feet or hit a pillow.... progress is being made...

It's hard to describe the kindness and affection that you show to younger children. You are a natural lover of babies and would surround yourself with them at all times if you could. You are fascinated with changing diapers, feeding your dolls and learning about caring for babies. You are so gentle and kind with small kiddos it is really amazing to see you with them and how kind and helpful you can be.

In terms of stats you are just over 32 pounds and 37 inches tall. You have really shot up and lost your belly fat. You are tall and lean and have hair! You still fuss at me when I try and do it every day, but it is so adorable to see with your hair done.

We love you lots Laurelea and can't wait to see all that you are up to next!

You had to have your baby go first!

kisses for woody

 somethings will never change-you are a wiggle worm!

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