Sunday, June 17, 2012

A day on the water

On Friday, Chris, Cory and I rented Kayaks for the day. We expected to have fun tooling around, we expected for them to drop a line in the water, but we never expected for Chris to catch this monster...

Our Kayaks that were delivered and picked up.. it was pretty sweet




Chris caught this from the Kayak. He fought it for over 20 minutes!

L loved to feel the fish 

Chris and his catch

lunch and dinner

we headed back to the beach after L's nap

L in her new suit from Neen and hat from Grammy

check this out

in the water of course

taking uncle Chris for a spin

trying to tackle the stairs back to the dock

1 comment:

  1. I love when bloggers go on vacation -- lotsa fun posts : ) This trip looks like it was amazing! Especially that day the neighbors got you lobsters!! For 5 bucks!! Maine is awesome : ) This fish is also pretty impressive and I like L's new swimsuit. The bum especially! Sorry we missed you guys but it sounds like you had a full house and lots planned!!! So fun!
