Sunday, April 1, 2012

14 Months Old

Laurelea you have developed a lot this month. You have a fun vocabulary that consists of a lot of No, Mama, Dada, all done, night-night, and dat. It's pretty amazing how much you can communicate with your limited words. You also use your signs more consistently and indicate that you would like more, and milk.

 It's hard to believe that you have just been walking for over two months as you are so much more confident in yourself and your ability maneuver and get out of tough situations. You like to test your balance daily by standing on your rocking chair. We have started to use "time outs". We put you in the pac'n play for about a minute when there is a safety concern or you are playing on the one house plant that is left downstairs.

We have made a lot of improvements on the house this month and you love to explore the back yard and deck.

We are guessing that you weigh over 24 pounds. You are growing out of most of your 12 month clothes and moving into the 18 month size. You have 11 teeth. Three molars have come through and a fourth is on it's way. It's been a lot of mid night feeds this month as you have been waking up in pain and need to be fed back to sleep.

You teach us something new each day and make waking up so much fun. We can't wait to see what this month will bring. We love you lots and lots.
L trying to wiggle out of Cory's arms

L and Woody
It was not easy to keep her still today for this shot
We tried the pick up and sit method, which did not work
It became a fun game of try to get away from Dad
So we rested for a few minutes and looked out the window
The tooth brush got her attention for just enough time to snap a picture

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