Friday, March 2, 2012

13 Months Old

Laurelea: you have grown so much this month! You have mastered walking such that it is now rare that you actually crawl. You have tried a lot of new foods this month and you love all types of beans, especially kidney beans.  You also love goat's milk and have started eating big girl meals, which we serve on a plate so you get to pick and choose what you want to eat off your plate. You usually tend to eat everything that we give you but you like having options and being able to decide. We've been trying to add more protein into your diet as you decided a couple of weeks ago that you no longer wanted to sleep through the night. We've seen some improvement, especially the last few days (3 in a row after 5:15 a.m.!) but it was tough to go from a solid night's sleep to you waking up somewhere from 3 to 4:30 a.m.  You still have your 8 teeth but two more are about to pop through.

 This month, when the weather's been nice, you've loved your time at the park. You are curious at first about all the kids but then jump right in and like to play and climb on all the toys. Your favorite is the slide as you can now go down all by yourself. The funnest development this month is your ability to communicate. You now say Momma and Dadda pretty consistently. You shake your head and point to things saying "dat". We've been working on setting boundaries with you this month and an unexpected surprise is your ability to learn the word "No". You also recognize our voice inflection when we ask you a question and promptly respond with "No". It is pretty adorable the way you say it directly to us with such conviction (even Nubia and Sulma agree).  We love you Sugar Bee and can't wait to see what you will be up to this month.
13 Months!

"Thanks Fiona for my new red shoes"

How much longer can we do this? 

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