Tuesday, August 2, 2011

6 Months Old

I know I say every month that I can't believe you are a month older, but this one really slipped by us. We've been fortunate to have Nana here for the month to watch you grow. She has shown us many new things and taught us all the importance of counting cars and outside hot tub baths. Our best accomplishment as a family this month is that you learned how to take naps in your crib!!! 
 You weigh probably close to 18 pounds, we've not been to the doctor for a few weeks. We've introduced solid foods into your diet and your favorites so far are yams, carrots and pears. You are not as big of a fan of bananas, avocados and apples.
We call you our little cement mixer as you have figured out how to roll yourself around to get what you need. We woke up last week to the most horrible noise and that was you rolling off our bed after I feel back asleep from a middle of the night feeding. So you have also taken your first major fall and thankfully were not seriously hurt.
 You've really started to talk more and are a fan of speaking in whispered tones. You still move your bottom lip but also learned to use your vocal cords to communicate your wishes.
You are a very tactile baby and love to get your hands on everything. Your favorite things to touch are my hair and Fiona. You would love to hug her lots and lots, but are often not the most gentle in your approach.
You can also sit up for sometime unassisted which has really aided in your ability to play independently.
We love everyday with you and can't wait for all the fun the next month will bring.
Woody needing a hug from L.

Looking at Nana

Nana and Papa with an aspiring Irish dancer

Getting some sugar from you

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