Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pirates and houses

Our nicest Airbnb guest in the history of doing Airbnb, brought the kids an Eclair from FL. It was very sweet and generous and the kids loved it.
 Last Saturday Laurelea's school had a pirate party fund raiser. We packed all her pirate gear, but managed to pull this outfit together. Pirates totally wore leaderhosen :)

 Before the party L and I went shopping and she picked out these gifts for Neen's birthday celebration in TX.
 On Sunday Chris, Nikki, Cory and I went hunting for houses in Dallas. We hit up tons of open houses and did really like the area of one house that was up in the forest. We had to explore the trails...

 Before heading to TX we put an offer on this house. The owner wanted us to see the house before she would accept the offer. So on Sunday night Cory and I headed to the house to check it out.
 I fell in love and Cory like it too. We wanted to check out the hood the next day and see if the area was a fit for our family
 Sunset from the hood
 This is the marina down the road about a mile

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