Sunday, November 23, 2014

Visiting Gramma

Will and I headed out to Seattle on November 12th. The main purpose of our visit was to visit my grandparents and see family. Will was a little trooper. He did a great job on the plane. He was not fussy and so interested in his surroundings. So much so, that he managed to stay awake for the majority of both 6 hour flights. I'd forgotten what it was like to travel with a lap baby, and once I got to both costs I was pretty beat.

Here are a few pictures of Gramma and Will. It was really hard to see her like this. She has not been able to get out of bed for over 4 months. Her spirits were still really high and we had a great visit getting caught up on everything. Karli got a lot better shots on her cameras so check out her blog.

We are hopeful that the next time we are out in Seattle Gramma will be up and moving around!

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