Tuesday, June 17, 2014

30 Weeks!

They say each pregnancy is different and that couldn't be more true. This little guy has caused us quite a bit of stress over the last few weeks. Two weeks ago I had a full anatomy scan to make certain that our cord was not over my cervix (which would be a bad thing). Thankfully, this is not the case, but there are still some cord attachment issues that they are closely monitoring.

 Last week Vicki and Laurelea got to go to another ultra sound appointment with and take a peek at Scooter. He looked directly back and at times looked like hew as waving. L thinks he definitely was, so we won't tell her differently. 

Scooter is currently breach (which doesn't really matter as he is coming out C-Section). He is still measuring big, his stomach is huge- 97th percentile. We are scheduled to have the C-Section sometime during the week of Aug 18th. We will know more of a confirmed date in a few weeks once I'm 32 weeks. 

Here is a picture of the 4 of us from over the weekend!

 Here he is!
 This is the shot of him looking at us

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