On Wednesday, Karli, Jason, Cory, the kids and I rented bikes. We had this idea that we would ride forever. Talan was not feeling well, so the thought of being cooped up in a little cage did not agree with him. So after a failed attempt we headed back and dropped Karli and Talan off.
We managed to get a cute shot before Talan decided he hated bike rides...
So Jason, Cory, L and I headed out for a ride. We went to the historic PC farmhouse
And found this really cool park
Headed home back, by the cool farm house
During nap Cory and I headed out for a date
We went to a distillery
And for a ride up to the top of the mountain
While we were there, there was a huge fire just outside of PC. Here are some shots of it.
So here is where the Starfish comes in... On Monday night (it is now Wed) L took a bite of a starfish stress toy and shoved it up her nose. We tried to get it out, traumatizing our child and then decided to wait 48 hours and see if it would dislodge itself. The starfish as it is made of rubber like material did not come out easily. So on Wed we took her to Urgent care for starfish removal. It was traumatic for all, but the starfish came out. What would be a Carlyle vacation without a trip to an urgent care or Emergency room?
L and Cory in the hot tub right after Starfish removal... here is a picture of the starfish piece..