Tuesday, August 7, 2012

18 Months Old!

Laurelea you amaze us with your cleverness and spunk. It's hard to imagine that you are a year and a half. We waited to post an update as we went to the pediatrician today and got the full update: You weigh 25 lbs, 11 oz and are in the 84th percentile for weight. For height you are 33 inches and also in the 84th percentile. You have grown a ton since we were in last at the doctors. The last time we were there you were in the high 70th percentile and now you have jumped up to the mid 80's. In preparation for the visit we counted the number of words that you can say and you are at about 80. If I had to make a guess, I would have said in the 30-40 range but when you write them all down it is so impressive how many words you say and your ability to communicate your wishes. 

 You eat almost all the same food that we do. We just discovered that you seem to have a fish reaction as the last few times we have given you fish you have not been able to tolerate it. Yogurt is definitely your favorite food right now, but you are also really into cheese of all types. You also love to dip (you call it push) and everything tastes better when dipped into something delicious like ketchup or any type of special sauce. We are trying to teach you not to double dip, but that is a tough concept for you right now.

You are really into babies right now and are quite obsessed with them. You love having them around and showing them where their noses and eyes are. You are becoming so much more gentle with them, which is great to see.

You have loved having the constant attention of Nana and Papa and it is going to be tough on all of us when they leave next week to head home.

We realize that I'm not producing much milk but you have become a tad boobie crazed. Several outbursts have occurred this month when we insisted on a diaper change before boobie time. You are very strong willed and during our outbursts you are also prone to hitting. A big goal for our family this month is to reinforce all your good behaviors and become better sticklers about time out.

We love you Laurelea and can't wait to see what new sort of things you will be up to next month.

L and Woody

"why do we do this each month?"

L loves to read and her babies book is a favorite

L and Cory

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