Thursday, February 2, 2012

12 Months Old!

What a thrilling journey you have taken us on this last year! Laurelea, you have brought so much joy and laughter into our lives. It's hard to imagine life without our little Bee.

This month you have really tackled a lot. You have pretty much mastered walking on your own and really have a sense of perseverance about your ability to do things for yourself. With your newfound footing you have figured out how to climb up into your rocking chair but are also attempting to climb up onto everything else in sight. You are over 30 inches long and weigh a little over 21 pounds. Your hair is getting quite thick in the back and you have started to really communicate with us. You are now pointing at things that you would like and indicating with sounds your desire to have things. There's also this pesky noise you've learned that sounds troublingly like "no."  You still have quite the soft spot for dolls but also this month you have been really into cars. We love you Laurelea and can't wait to see all that the next year has in store for us. Happy 1st Birthday Sugar Bee!
I had to include this one as it's the only shot that you see the 12 month sticker

Instead of sitting with Woody, it's a lot more fun to stand and play with his ears

"Mom, get this thing off"

L and Cory (yes, she's trying to escape!)

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