Thursday, September 1, 2011

7 Months Old!

Laurelea you are changing so each day. It's been a tough month for us as a family. We had to say good bye to all the loving support that we had from your Grandmas and then day care(!). You have demonstrated your ability to communicate your desire to not be there, from hunger strikes to crying fits. You also have decided that everything we had been working on for the last several months need not apply in a new environment such as sleeping in a crib and eating from a high chair.  We have managed to survive our first bout of day care cold which transitioned into a double ear infection for you. You still had the best disposition even though you were in pain.

You are super-close to crawling and have really developed your schooching skills. You can get from one place in the room to the next in no time. It won't be long until you are crawling and we will really have no idea how to keep you contained. You have really bonded this month with Rocky, your favorite stuffed rocket. You light up when you see him and snuggle him, but really it is his ribbony exhaust that sends you out to the magnetosphere. (Rocky, by the way, appears in most of your pictures below) 

You can sit up and independently play for several minutes and still generally like to look around to make certain that we are there. I know it's tough to see but I swear your hair has grown this month, but your little feet still have not. You are still in the 0-3 month size where the rest of you is growing like a weed. Two teeth have come through this month (with a third rearing its pearly cap) which caused us a couple of long nights but you powered through those with a smile. We love you lots and lots Sugar Bee and can't wait to see what this month brings. Hugs!

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