Sunday, December 5, 2010


We had our labor and delivery class today as well as a safety infant CPR class. We are a little overwhelmed with all that we need to remember. It's a wonder how people did this before all day classes :)

So we sent this picture out to some of the family and received the same word response from each and every one of them... WOW was the response... guess I am growing! We are 32 weeks (8 months) today. Permission granted for you to think it too!


  1. You look great! You're all baby!!! Get some sleep and get yourself to a La Leche meeting! They're not as crunchy as you might think. Call me if you want- anytime!!! Liv

  2. You look FANTASTIC! It's obvious you're taking great care of yourself (and the baby).

  3. Mist, you are beautiful and perfect. I'm so very happy for you and your hubby. EEEEEEP! A GIRL!! When I meet her I shall give her kisses and snorgle the nape of her neck and munch-munch on her tiny toes. Look out...Aunt Sooz is commin'...
