Monday, March 16, 2015

An Update on Will

Will came down with a double ear infection and another bout of Asthma over a week ago. It hit hard and so we put our little dude on steroids and I stayed home with him last week. He was a baby on roids and really wound up all week vacillating from extreme happiness to anger. He is generally pretty chill, so it was quite the difference. He also does not sleep well when on steroids and was up every few hours to eat.  We went to our pulmonary specialist on Friday and it's been determined that he needs to go on additional medication (Singular) and do some additional testing to rule out other scary things like cystic fibrosis and some possible upper GI issues. We have those test this week Thursday and Friday, and are hopeful that all will be in order and we can continue on our current regiment. If not, we will tackle that hurdle.

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