Thursday, February 26, 2015

Will at 6 Months

Well, dude, you're now closer to full year age tabulations than you ever have been. But that will not stop us from remembering just what you're capable of these days.

You smile incessantly, amazingly. You play with our faces a lot, mostly when we get you out of bed (which mostly is the swing). You giggle sometimes when we play with your tummy or get your sugars, which is pretty awesome.

You eat. And eat. And eat. 9 oz of solids in one sitting sometimes! Sweet potatoes, bananas, butternut squash, these are a few of your favorite things. Blueberries, not so much. Applesauce: ok, maybe, if mixed with something else.

You sit up on your own. You want to crawl, badly. If you had your choice, though, you'd just walk. We aren't sure we're opposed.

You have a real skill: taking off clothes. You eagerly pull your arms out of shirts when we try to take them off. How nice! You aren't 100% at putting those arms back in your shirts when its time to put them on, but damn if you aren't pretty good at that too.

You are just so happy, you little booger, and we couldn't be luckier to have you in the family. You might have thrown up everywhere today, but you brighten our day with your electric smile.

Happy Six Months, Will Harrison!

 love the hand hold-had to include

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