Friday, May 3, 2013


Once you hit the two mark we decided that we would do quarterly updates about your growth and development (we stole this idea from Jen). 

You have changed so much over the last three months. We were giving you a bath the other night and look at each other as we realized that we were having a full conversation with you. You are now talking in complete little sentences. With the addition of more words and your ability to communicate we find that you are less frustrated at life.

You also have started to share with us your emotions. If you are happy, sad or scared. We were sitting down to dinner the other night and you turned to us and said, "Mommy/Daddy I'm happy". That made us feel so good to know that. 

At daycare you got your first little report card. We are very proud of you. You are right on track developmentally and physically. It was nice to learn what they are working with you on and what we can reinforce at home. 

Within the last three months we have purchased a vacation property. You love the farmhouse and talk about it all the time. You gave us quite the scare when you took a fall down the flight of stairs. You are still talking about it and the ER visit that followed. We did find out from the ER trip hat you are 30 pounds exactly. 

You are still really into babies. You talk about babies all the time. There was a little baby at the day care for a couple weeks and he is all that you still talk about. You love to play with your babies, change their diapers, hold them. This morning on our way out the door you said good bye to your baby and gave her a little kiss  and told her you were going to daycare and would see her soon. 

You also love purses. You don't want to leave the house without your purse. You have several, but your favorite is your new red sparkle purse from Grammy. It has money in it from Neen and Grandma Sharan and you love to show people your money and tell them about it. 

There are times now that we panic as you are not right under our feet. It is so amazing to walk into your room and realize that you are playing by yourself or reading a book. With everyday you are becoming more and more independent. 

We love you Sugar Bee and can't wait to see what the next three months bring! 

someone was excited to see Woody

"hey friend"

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