Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Father's Day- plus life with Will

This last week I was in Rochester for work. On Friday I hit up a winery on my way out of town. It was good way to end my 70 plus hour work week.
mean while at home- Will slammed his finger in his bedroom door

 pretty impressed that we were able to get L's hair in a French braid

 had to get a picture of Will too- brushed his hair- can't you tell?
 The kids and I made Cory breakfast in bed for Father's Day- just what he always wanted- Mickey waffles

 Cory wanted oysters so we went to TJ's in Dallas with Neen and Vicki. We celebrated Father's Day with Robert and Sharon the night before, but I neglected to get any pictures :(

 By Monday morning Will was in a lot of pain so we took him into the pediatrician to see about his finger. We thought it could be infected, which it was. We also learned that he had several objects in his ear- thankfully they got the rock and blue thing out. This kid and putting stuff in his ears

 I just had to include the picture of the rock and his wax. Hopefully this kiddo can hear a lot better with all this wax removed, well and the rock too :)

Rockwall County Fair

We hit up the Rockwall County Fair- we had no clue what to expect, but it surpassed all our expectations! For ten dollars per kid they could go on all the rides/bounce houses. Next year we will be going again for certain!

 petting zoo

 L tried rock climbing and the zip line- we were so proud of her
 this pretty much sums up our life- trying to get both kids o the same page is not easy

Karli and Talan Come to Rockwall!

So the amazing thing when Karli and Talan come to visit is that Karli takes pictures and captures our time way better then I could ever have. She is really skilled in photography! Here are some of my favorites that she took:
Talan and L checking out the view from our balcony
 Cousin hugs are the best kind of hugs
 Talan, L and Will at the harbor in Rockwall
 Love this one too
 Goggles on- it's pool time!

 fun times at the ball park
 Bubba and Cory

 We splurged and went out to a fancy dinner

We loved having you both! It now feels like forever ago that you were here. If you want to check out more pictures of their trip- go to
So when are you coming back? Love you both!

Playing Catch Up

Many things have happened over the last month and I've done a poor job of capturing it on the blog-
Here are some highlights!
Laurelea decided on a gymnastic place and is really loving her new class!

 More gymnastics
 Will is really into baking
 L and I hanging at a bar while her Dad met with friends
 Cory, L and Brad at the Byron Nelson
 Cory and I had a date night!
