Tuesday, November 23, 2010

30 weeks= 7.5 months

We had the realization just the other night that in only 7 weeks we are full term. This brought about both my nervous need to clean and prepare, which has resulted in me washing all of her clothes and a sense of excitement. Folks have been asking for more pictures of my belly so here are a few that we took over the last couple of weeks! Top (missing my feet, as I've not seen them in some time), Middle (me at 30 weeks), Bottom Right (me in VA beach)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sprout's Nursery

Sprout's nursery is ready for her. Here are some shots of her ladybug themed room and duck bathroom. We are really hoping that she likes pink :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We decided this would be the easiest way to get new information, pictures, and everything else Sprout!  Keep checking back weekly for the time being and then, once the blog's namesake arrives, we hope to be able to post much more frequently (if she'll let us). 

Here's a sampling of Misty pregnancy pictures to get us started.

26 weeks

Baby in the belly-13 wks